
John Hope and Aurelia 富兰克林图书馆 front doors

这个名为“重塑Arturo Schomburg的世界”的项目为澳门皇冠赌场平台和Schomburg黑人文化研究中心之间的持续合作奠定了基础. 计划拨款将推出一系列澳门皇冠赌场平台朔姆伯格作品和通信的数字版本.


Nashville and New York, April 2023 澳门皇冠赌场平台和朔姆堡黑人文化研究中心获得了为期两年的120美元资助,000 NHPRC-Mellon Planning Grant for Collaborative Digital Editions in African American, 亚裔美国人, 西班牙裔美国人, and Native American 历史 and Ethnic Studies. 国家历史出版和记录委员会与安德鲁·W·盖茨基金会之间的合作资助计划. 梅隆基金会 总体目标是扩大对历史和学术数字版本的制作和出版的参与.”


“重塑阿图罗·朔姆伯格的世界”标志着约翰·霍普和奥蕾莉亚·E. 澳门皇冠赌场平台富兰克林图书馆和朔姆伯格黑人文化研究中心. 快乐Bivins, 导演 of the Schomburg Center for 研究 in Black Culture states, “朔姆伯格中心很荣幸能与澳门皇冠赌场平台在这个重要的项目中合作,该项目旨在使阿图罗·朔姆伯格的富有远见的作品更加引人注目, 尤其是在黑人和种族研究的合法性受到攻击的时候. 朔姆伯格的工作对我们理解黑人学者的贡献仍然至关重要, 各种各样的, to amend narratives that seek to render people of African descent invisible.“德丽莎·米诺尔·哈里斯, 导演 of 图书馆 Services at Fisk, 增加了, “我们对这种重要的合作关系感到兴奋,它将两家全国领先的黑人收藏和研究机构聚集在一起. Arturo Schomburg’s innovative work transformed Fisk’s collections, 该项目将确保所有人都能通过数字版本了解并欣赏阿图罗·朔姆伯格的重要遗产和旅程.”


阿图罗·朔姆伯格(1874-1938), the African diaspora’s most famous bibliophile, immigrated to New York City from Puerto Rico in 1891. 一次解决, he founded the Negro Society for Historical 研究, modeled a diasporic approach to studying Black culture, 并在20世纪20年代和30年代播种了两个标志性的档案——一个在纽约公共图书馆,另一个在澳门皇冠赌场平台. 这两家机构首次合作,将他们澳门皇冠赌场平台朔姆伯格的记录统一起来,并与学者合作,建立一个版本,将照亮20世纪早期藏书家的全球网络, 知识分子, 图书馆员, and “street scholars” who founded the field of Black history.


DeLisa Minor Harris, 导演 of the Fisk University John Hope and Aurelia E. 富兰克林图书馆, 和巴里·布朗, 手稿馆长, Archives and Rare Books at the Schomburg Center, will serve as co-directors of the project. 梅勒妮钱, Assistant 历史学教授 at the University of Rochester (starting Fall 2024), 劳拉·赫尔顿, 特拉华大学英语和历史系助理教授, 担任学者编辑.


A project advisory board of more than a dozen scholars, 策展人, 图书馆员, and teachers will participate in shaping the work. The project advisors include: Cheryl Beredo, Associate 导演 of Collections, 研究, 和教育, Beinecke Rare Books and Manuscript 图书馆, Yale University; Katharine Burnett, Associate 教授兼英语系主任, Fisk University; Jim Casey, Assistant Professor of African American Studies, 历史, 和英语, Pennsylvania State University; Margarita Castromán Soto, 英语助理教授, Rice University; April Collins, AP计算机科学教师, 马丁·路德·金, Jr. 公立中学, Nashville Public Schools; Pero Gaglo Dagbovie, 历史学教授, Associate Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and Dean of the Graduate School, Michigan State University; Brent Hayes Edwards, 英语教授 and Comparative Literature, Columbia University; Jacqueline Goldsby, 英语教授 and African American Studies, Yale University; Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof, 历史学教授, Harvard University; Lopez Matthews, District of Columbia State Archivist and former Digital Production Librarian, Howard University Libraries; Meredith L. 麦吉尔, 教授兼英语系主任, Rutgers University; Benjamin Talton, 导演, Moorland-Spingarn 研究 Center, Howard University; Sarah Tanner, Head, 档案研究中心, 伍德乐夫图书馆, Atlanta University Center; Vanessa K. Valdés, Associate Provost for Community Engagement, The City College of New York; Rachel E. 温斯顿, 散居黑人档案保管员, University of Texas at Austin; and Rafia Zafar, 英语教授, 华盛顿大学. 路易.

在内容和概念上, “重塑阿图罗·朔姆伯格的世界”重新激活了朔姆伯格的愿景,即建立一个致力于保护黑人散居思想的研究人员和知识库网络. 作为项目中心, 澳门皇冠赌场平台和朔姆伯格中心延续了黑人特刊在学术出版中所扮演的历史角色.



澳门皇冠赌场平台 the National Historical Publications and Records Commission

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a statutory body affiliated with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports a wide range of activities to preserve, 发布, and encourage the use of documentary sources, created in every medium ranging from quill pen to computer, relating to the history of the United States. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.档案.gov /于.


澳门皇冠赌场平台Andrew W. 梅隆基金会

安德鲁·W. 梅隆基金会 is the nation’s largest supporter of the 艺术 and humanities. 自1969年以来, 基金会一直以其核心信念为指导,即人文艺术对人类的理解至关重要. 基金会认为,艺术和人文是我们表达复杂人性的地方, and that everyone deserves the beauty, 超越, and freedom that can be found there. 通过我们的资助, we seek to build just communities enriched by meaning and empowered by critical thinking, where ideas and imagination can thrive. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.梅隆.org.


澳门皇冠赌场平台 the Fisk University John Hope and Aurelia E. 富兰克林图书馆

约翰·霍普和奥蕾莉亚·E. 富兰克林图书馆是哈佛大学多元化学术团体中活跃而充满活力的一部分. As the academic hub of the university, the library supports the academic programs by providing books, 电子资源, and other materials and information instruction. 菲斯克特别收藏是研究非裔美国人经历的重要国家资源. 欲知详情,请浏览 npy.ycdwkj666.com/academics/library/.



Fisk University is ranked #6 among historically Black universities, according to U.S. 它是田纳西州纳什维尔最古老的高等学府. 澳门皇冠赌场平台优秀的教师和学生不断提高其学术卓越的国际声誉. 它的学者们继续在从社会正义到科学的所有工业领域取得进步. 菲斯克教育使学生成为社区服务的灯塔,以及各自领域的领导者和学者. Fisk offers more than 20+ undergraduate and graduate programs in Biology, 化学, 物理, Clinical Psychology with a bridge Masters to Ph.D. programs through a partnership with Vanderbilt University. 欲知详情,请浏览 npy.ycdwkj666.com.


澳门皇冠赌场平台 the Schomburg Center for 研究 in Black Culture

Founded in 1925 and named a National Historic Landmark in 2017, 朔姆伯格黑人文化研究中心是世界上致力于保护黑人文化的主要文化机构之一, 研究, 解释, and exhibition of materials focused on African American, 非洲Diasporan, 以及非洲的经历. As a 研究 division of The New York Public 图书馆, 朔姆伯格中心拥有多样化的项目和藏品,总计超过1100万件,照亮了全球黑人历史的丰富性, 艺术, 和文化. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.schomburgcenter.org.


澳门皇冠赌场平台 The New York Public 图书馆

超过125年, 纽约公共图书馆一直是纽约及其他地区人民免费教育和信息的提供者. With over 90 locations—including 研究 and branch libraries—throughout the Bronx, 曼哈顿, 和斯塔顿岛, the 图书馆 offers free materials, 计算机访问, 类, 展览, programming and more to everyone from toddlers to scholars, and has seen record numbers of attendance and circulation in recent years. 纽约公共图书馆每年接待约1600万人次的访客,而全球有数百万人在纽约公共图书馆使用其资源.org. To offer this wide array of free programming, The New York Public 图书馆 relies on both public and private funding. Learn more about how to support the 图书馆 at www.nypl.org/support.




Media 联系 – Leah Drayton/leahdrayton@nypl.org

Media 联系 – Maya Brown/mcbrown@ycdwkj666.com and Frederick Haywood/fhaywood@ycdwkj666.com